Artifort will be celebrating its 125th birthday soon and the furniture company wants to celebrate their birthday with a social media competition. This competition will be asking fans of Artifort to share selfies with their Artifort piece while sharing their story. The story will say how one received their Artifort furniture whether the purchased it, passed down from family, restored or any situation that led to you becoming an Artifan. Winner of the competition with the best story will receive an Orange Slice, which is a $1,595 value. Some of the top stories will be published in the next Artifacts magazine. The social media competition begins on July 1st using Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest accounts. Artifans can like, tweet, retweet, share and repin as much as you like to help your chances to win. Anyone with a website can add this banner above to their website to show their love and support for Artifort. For those who are not as familiar with Artifort Furniture, CA Modern Home provides Artifort chairs, shelving, storage, tables and more. These unique style pieces of furniture add a modern and sleek look to your home or office. Colors of the furniture can either be loud and vibrant or fit right into the home setting. Artifort furniture does not only improve your home’s interior visually but they are comfortable as well. To see more Artifort and other Modern Design Furniture, visit my showroom at CA Modern Home at 1560 Lenox Ave. Suite 101 Miami Beach, Florida 33139, or contact 800.605.1859 or